Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Aceh Traditional Dance Performance~!

Celebrating the 16th anniversary of Sanggar Seni Seulawet and the World Dance Day, The College Students from IAIN Ar-Raniry held an event named Pi-AGAM (Piasan Aneuk Galak Meuseni). In this event, Acehnese enjoy the performance of Aceh traditional dance, such as Ranub Lam Puan, Likok Pulo, Rapai Geleng, Ratoh Jaroe, and many more…I came there for watching the liqok pulo performance, I haven’t seen this dance in years. Liqok pulo is an amazing dance and very well known in Indonesia even in the world.
liqok pulo performance

This event was held in Unsyiah Tugu Field, it’s free so that everybody could come and enjoy the event. I came with my sista and my neighbours, we just walk to the location bcoz it’s not really far from our houses. Unfortunately, we can’t follow the whole event bcoz we have to return home b4 midnite. But, it’s not a problem for us though, we love it.


  1. Lovely....unfortunately I cant saw that performance... -___-'

  2. oh.. itu toh piagam all about.. i saw the ads when i was in banda..

  3. sabar yak ici,,mudah2an ada kesempatan lain ;)

    iya ulfa-chan..:)


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